Champion of Fiscal Responsibility:

In the land of the free, the stewardship of every tax dollar is sacred between the government and its citizens. Andrew embodies this principle, vowing to guard the treasury as if it were his own. By championing permanent funding solutions for our schools without burdening taxpayers with additional taxes, Andrew ensures that our children's education is a secure investment in America's future. He stands for an Oregon where fiscal responsibility is the bedrock of prosperity.

Proponent of Law and Order:

The echoes of liberty are best heard in communities where peace and order prevail. Andrew Morrison is steadfast for the rule of law, acknowledging that freedom cannot exist without it. His unwavering support for law enforcement is the cornerstone of his commitment to our safety, ensuring that our streets are sanctuaries of tranquility, not arenas of anxiety. Andrew's vision is to revitalize the promise of our republic as a bastion of order and justice, where the rule of law is respected and crime and drug abuse are relics of the past.

Opponent of Big Government:

The spirit of American innovation has always flown highest in open skies, unencumbered by the weight of unwieldy governance. Andrew Morrison, with a seasoned career in technology, is ready to slice through the entangling vines of red tape, liberating our entrepreneurial spirit and personal freedoms. His campaign is a declaration of independence from bureaucratic overreach, reaffirming our foundational belief that government is best which governs least, and always in service of its people.

Defender of Education Standards:

The guiding light of any civilization is education. Andrew will champion a new standard of accountability in our schools, confronting any policy that threatens to dim this light. As our defender of education standards, he envisions an Oregon where every classroom is an arena of enlightenment, where every child's potential is nurtured, and our shared American dream is imparted through robust and rigorous learning. Andrew believes that our nation's best days lie ahead, and it starts with a strong commitment to the highest standards of education.

Advocate for Individual Empowerment:

Andrew Morrison's belief in the American spirit is at the heart of his advocacy for individual empowerment. He knows that the best path out of hardship is often found through self-reliance and personal development. His focus on providing job training and economic opportunities aims to light the fire of self-sufficiency in every Oregonian, continuing the proud republican tradition of fostering individual greatness through hard work and innovation.

Ally of Small Business:

The story of America is written in the ledgers of its small businesses—each a chapter of ambition, ingenuity, and the pursuit of happiness. Andrew Morrison stands as an ally to these architects of prosperity, supporting policies that plant seeds of growth and nurture the roots of local industry. His pledge is to create an environment where small businesses can thrive, recognizing that they are not only the backbone of our economy but also the heartbeat of our communities.

Protector of Family Values:

Andrew Morrison knows that the family is the first institution of society, the original department of health, education, and welfare, and the first line of defense for our values. With deep reverence for the institution of the family, Andrew commits to advancing policies that support families' economic and social well-being. 



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A difference everyone can see.

"Andy has an abundance of integrity, authenticity and enthusiasm - which will make him a steadfast protector of liberty, and an unwavering advocate for the vulnerable."

Fmr Oregon State Representative

Patrick Sheehan

"Andy Morrison is a dedicated leader with diverse expertise, shaping our community through service, innovation, and passion for progress. He will be an excellent house, district state representative, and be able to get bipartisan bills across the goal line."

Aimee Reiner

“Working with Andrew for years on city budget and land use boards, I’ve urged him to run for years. Oregon needs people as thoughtful, focused and most of all have small kids in our school system while serving in Salem.”

Mark Fitz

Star Oilco

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